
Cafè Europa: Labor rights: what will we play in the next European elections?

Cafè Europa is a cycle of online debates organized by the Catalunya Europa Foundation, and in collaboration with other entities, on the last Friday of each month, with an informative nature to bring European and international issues closer to the public.

With an eye on the European elections that will take place between 6 and 9 June 2024 and, coinciding with the first of May, this installment of Cafè Europa will be dedicated to social rights within the European Union, specifically the European Social Pillar of Social Rights. Additionally, as we are approaching the elections, we will discuss the issue that may be at stake in the elections if there is an involution or if we do not continue to bet on this social pillar.

All in all, this new session of Cafè Europa will take place next April 26 at 9 am online.

Do not miss it! to be able to participate remember to register here.


Cafè Europa