Fundació News

The Call for the "Talent Europa Segle XXI" award is open

The Catalunya Catalunya Foundation and CIDOB, with the support of the Banc Sabadell Foundation, announce the "Talent Europa 21st Century" Award. The award recognizes those works of high academic level that have an original analytical approach and include applied research on current, internal and international challenges facing Europe.

The award is aimed at research on European topics focused on:

  • The challenges of European integration
  • European policies in the social, economic and political spheres
  • The European Union as an international actor

The call opens on November 1, 2020 and will close on February 28, 2021. The resolution of the prize will be communicated before May 31, 2021. The prize is endowed with € 2,500.

The winning work will be presented publicly as part of the Banco Sabadell Foundation Dialogues, which will take place during the second half of June 2021 at the CIDOB headquarters.

All the documentation will be presented with the title of the work, the thematic field of research, the personal data of the candidate and the CV, in the headquarters of the CIDOB (C / Elisabets, 12, 08001 Barcelona) in schedule of 8am at 3pm (in person or by post).