Fundació News

Two students from the Virolai School, winners of the photography prize "What is Europe for you?"

The Catalunya Europa Foundation has announced the two winners of the "What is Europe for you?" Award, in the photography section. A prize promoted by the Catalunya Europa Foundation with the support of the European Parliament, Abacus Cooperativa and the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

The jury for the award, made up of the film producer, Xavier Atance, the president of the Horizonte Europa Association, Albert Royo, the director of the office in the European Parliament in Barcelona, ??Sergi Barrera, the person in charge of Communication, Participation and Abacus Cooperativa's Corporate Training, Muntsa Turón, the Director of Educational Policies of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Carles Martínez, and the communication manager of the Catalunya Europe Foundation, Aina Amat.

In the category of best original idea, the winning photograph was "Europes" taken by Julia Domene, a 1st year high school student at the Virolai School.

In the category of best achievement, the winner is "Europa Icònica", by Alba Serrano, also a 1st year high school student at the Virolai School.

Europe  Award