Fundació News

The Catalunya Europa Foundation participates in the European Week of Regions and Cities

The Fundació Catalunya Europa has participated in various activities within the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities that was held during the week from 7 to 11 October. The Foundation is one of the entities that participates in the European pilot project Measuring what matters to European citizens as a representative of Catalonia. The purpose of the project is to empirically test how the EU's Social Progress Index (EU-SPI) can be used to improve policy-making in the regions, in particular, in relation to the policies funded by the Cohesion Policy of the EU The objective is for the pilot to serve as a guide for the European regions in the use of the EU-SPI, but also to compile recommendations on how to improve the next editions of the index, planned by the end of 2020.

Marc Tataret, researcher at the FCE, and Francesc Colomé, member of the Foundation's executive and responsible for the SPI programs, participated in a working day on the problems of comparability of indices, in particular, the EU- SPI, and how to improve it. In this workshop, the FCE presented a shady proposal to improve the comparability of the EU-SPI from the different studies carried out in relation to the Social Progress Index.