Fundació News

Convocat el Premi Europa Jove 2024 per a treballs de recerca de batxillerat

The Catalunya Europa Foundation and the Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona are convening the third edition of the 'Young Europe Award' for high school research projects with the aim of promoting young people's knowledge, study and interest in the Union . European This is the only award that distinguishes high school research projects with a European theme.

The prize has the collaboration of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya and is open to all high school students from centers in Catalonia who have or are carrying out a research project on a topic related to the EU. , its history, its operation or its institutions. The constructive and critical nature of the work will be assessed as well as its thematic fit in one of the priorities derived from the EU's strategic agenda (2019-2024):

  • The European Green Pact.
  • Europe's digital transition.
  • Economic recovery.
  • The role of Europe in the world.
  • The promotion of the European lifestyle.
  • A new impetus to European democracy.

This year the 'Young Europe Award' awards a first prize of €500 and up to two prizes of €250 each. The award also includes a training visit to European institutions in Brussels.

The work submission deadlines will end on April 8, 2024.

You can consult the basis of the award on the website of the Catalunya Europa Foundation.

The works can be submitted through the application form.

The award ceremony will take place in the Aula Europa, home of the European institutions in Barcelona.

The winning works will be published on the websites of the Catalunya Europa Foundation and the Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona.